If your goal is to live as a fully developed disciple with Christlike character and conduct, then perhaps the following creed would be a good reminder for how to live out the next 365 days of your life. Read it regularly and let it be a reminder what is important and how to order your life.
I will submit to the Holy Spirit and seek to demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control in my life on a daily basis and in all relationships.
I will seek to live as a member who belongs to Christ and, therefore, His Church. I will display belonging to Him through salvation, baptism, and active involvement in His Church.
I will seek to live as a magnifier who worships Christ consistently. I will participate in private daily worship and weekly public worship with other believers. My life will be marked by a lifestyle of worship of God.
I will seek to live as one who is maturing and growing in my relationship with God. I will pursue a deeper knowledge of God and greater experiences with God. I will strive to be a student and life-long learner who is continually growing in God.
I will seek to live as a minister who is looking for ways to serve God by serving others. I will seek to serve others randomly as opportunities arise and use my spiritual gifts to make a difference through the local church. I want the “towel” to be the sign of service in my life.
I will seek to live as a manager who stewards my God-given resources for His glory. I will strive to manage my time, money, body, and relationships according to the principles found in God’s Word. I will regularly evaluate how well I am managing my life.
I will seek to live as a messenger and witness of the gospel. I will pray and look for open doors to share Christ with people who are far from God. I will pursue relationship with lost people and share Christ as much as possible.
I will seek to live as a multiplier and reproduce disciples of Jesus Christ. I will consistently invest my life in a handful of people in an effort to help them grow in the character and conduct of Christ. I will attempt to leave behind a legacy of fully trained disciples of Christ.
As you begin this New Year, please know that Impact Discipleship Ministries is here to help you fulfill the mission of Christ. Contact us for more information on training, resources, and consulting in how to be and build disciples of Christ.