The Value of Scriptural Authority

The Value of Scriptural Authority

If someone dropped you off in the middle of the woods, you would want to have a compass. That compass would be the key to helping you find your way to your destination. It would be a source of authority for you. It would be far more reliable than what you think or...
Disciple-Making Focus

Disciple-Making Focus

If the mission of the Church is to “make disciples of all nations,” then every church should be focused on disciple-making. No exceptions! It might seem strange, but most churches do not have the value of disciple-making as a focus. They may value “discipleship,” but...
An Attitude of Acceptance in the Church

An Attitude of Acceptance in the Church

There can be few things worse than someone needing help walking into a church and not being accepted. Trust me, it happens more than you can imagine. The very institution that should be the most welcoming and accepting of people can be the coldest and unwelcoming of...
Operate By Gifts and Passions

Operate By Gifts and Passions

Have you ever served in an area of ministry you were not gifted or passionate about? It probably didn’t turn out very well. My guess is that you were miserable, and the people you served were miserable. Unfortunately, that is usually the outcome when we serve in...
Rely on Prayer, Faith, and the Holy Spirit

Rely on Prayer, Faith, and the Holy Spirit

You would like to think that every church is led by prayer, faith, and the Holy Spirit. They are not! The opposite of being led by prayer, faith, and the Holy Spirit is being led by human wisdom, intellect, ability, and power. Both of these approaches led to very...