January is a great time to make or renew priorities for church leaders. The New Year is a perfect time to establish or renew the priorities that will help you make the most of the next twelve months. Every leader should consider making seven priorities a part of their...
I used to assume Jesus didn’t have a plan for His life and ministry and that He was just “free-styling” it. Maybe you’ve thought that as well? Was Jesus just living day by day? Was He driven by pressure or priority? Was He telling His time...
What would you do if you had a few extra dollars to invest? Would you place it in a bank account that paid no interest, or put it in a CD, mutual fund, or money market? I’m guessing you would put that extra money in an investment vehicle that would pay you at least...
Thirty-one years ago I planted a church knowing that the goal was to eventually see that church become a movement of multiplying disciples. I had never been in a church that was committed to disciple making so I wasn’t that sure how to do it. I had also just graduated...
Have you ever seen employees in a store walking up and down the aisles with a check list or iPad taking stock of their current products? Usually at the beginning of the year or month, companies determine how much inventory they have so they can decide how much they...
I recently came across some very interesting numbers. Check this out! The average person spends 13 years of their life at work, 26 years sleeping, 4.5 years eating, 11 years looking at a screen, and only 1 year and 4 months exercising. Wow! Those statistics say a lot...