You would like to think that every church is led by prayer, faith, and the Holy Spirit. They are not! The opposite of being led by prayer, faith, and the Holy Spirit is being led by human wisdom, intellect, ability, and power. Both of these approaches led to very...
When Jesus commanded us to make disciples of “all nations,” that means disciples need to be made who speak every language. Hebrew, Aramaic, Spanish, Mandarin… the list goes on. It literally takes all types of languages to make disciples in all types of...
You probably haven’t received ANY emails regarding the Coronavirus (it helps to laugh), so I thought I would send you one. In all seriousness, the Coronavirus is no laughing matter and causes us to think about things differently. Here are a few things regarding the...
#1- Lead Toward Mission I have been pastoring a local church for nearly thirty years, and from the very start I have attempted to lead the church where I serve to be a disciple making church. This journey has taught me a lot about what it takes to become a disciple...
Over the years I have had lots of conversations with people about disciple making and the Great Commission that have left me wondering what got lost in translation. Let me explain. I recently had a conversation with someone about disciple making. I was very passionate...
Someone recently asked me what my goals are for 2018. The answer was easy. Without blinking I told them I have three goals for the coming year. 1- Live to the best of my ability as an authentic disciple. 2- Lead the church where I am pastor to make more authentic...