Christian Celebrities?

by Aug 4, 2016

Have you ever heard the phrase “Christian Celebrities” or “Rockstar Pastor?” I just recently heard this phrase again and, I must tell you, the whole concept reeks. Every time I hear these phrases I have this gnawing in my gut that screams out to my mind that something has gone wrong. How have we gotten to the place where even these types of phrases exist?

How does the concept of a Rockstar Pastor square with Jesus coming “to serve and not to be served?”? How does being a Christian Celebrity line up with what John the Baptist said in John 3:30, “I must decrease so that he can increase?”

How on earth has this type of mindset snuck its way into the church?

To be totally honest, everyone I know senses the subtle pull to fall into this spiritual trap. It is against our nature to be a servant. We all want to be served. Even ministers. Phrases like rock star, celebrity, and platform might be new, but the problem they represent is anything but new. In fact, this is the same problem that got Adam and Eve booted out of the garden.

At the root of this pride issue is a matter of the heart. Satan constantly attacks the heart. He wants to harden your heart. He wants to corrupt your heart. He wants to poison your heart. This is exactly why scripture says, “Above all else guard your heart…” (Proverbs 4:23).

The solution is simple but difficult. Guarding your heart is the key but doing it is a constant challenge. Honest, self-assessment before the Lord is the only real way to guard your heart. Open your inner man up to him and ask him to show you the desires and the intentions of your heart. He will.

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