Church = Connections

by Jun 30, 2016

If you told me I had to summarize what happens in a church into one word, that word would be “connections.” From start to finish the word “connections” really does sum up pretty much everything that ought to happen in and through a local church.

The first connection that ought to happen in a church is a connection with Christ. If a person steps into the doors of a church and they are not connected to Christ, this becomes the first priority of the church. Nothing else that happens in a church has any meaning at all if it does not start with a connection to Christ! A church building filled with people that are not connected to Christ and not trying to connect with Him is a total waste of time.

The second connection that ought to happen in a church is a connection to one another. Our connection to Christ is the basis for our connection to other people. Without a connection to Christ, connecting to others is nothing more than a social club. It is this Christ-connection that gives our connections to others purpose and meaning.

Having a connection to Christ totally changes your connections with others. As a connected Christ follower you want to connect with other believers in order to accomplish the mission of Christ in the world. As a connected Christ follower you want to connect with non-believers because it is the mission of Christ in the world.

So here is where the rubber meets the road. Are you connected? Are you connected to lost people? Are you connected to other believers in church membership? Are you connected to other believers in a small group? Are you connected to other believers in worship? Are you connected to other believers in ministry? Are you connected to other believers in evangelism and missions?

If you are not connected what are you waiting on? It is time to connect!

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