Disciple Making Essentials

by Jan 12, 2017

My quest to develop disciple making resources has taken me down several different paths. I have written a handful of different courses and series of disciple making materials. Some courses have been 4 weeks long and some have been 26 weeks long! Some courses have required a major effort on the part of the student and some have required much less. This thirty year writing journey has brought me to the curriculum I call “Disciple Making Essentials”.

Disciple Making Essentials is a great tool to use for making disciples. It comes out of thirty years of experimenting in the laboratory of disciple making. Here are a few reasons why I have landed on “Disciple Making Essentials” and recommend them for individuals and churches desiring a curriculum to help in the process of making disciples that look like Jesus.

It is sequential! Disciple Making Essentials begins with the basics of the Christian and then moves to the Life of Jesus.

It is user friendly! Disciple Making Essentials is incredibly easy to use for both student and teacher. The curriculum has everything you need to lead an effective disciple making small group.

It drives you to the scripture! Any discipleship curriculum should simply be a tool to get you deeper into God’s Word. If the discipleship book does not drive you deeper into God’s book, you don’t need it.

It is very manageable! Let’s face it, people are busy and don’t have much time to work on a curriculum. Disciple Making Essentials is very doable and takes only a few minutes of time each week to stimulate your spiritual growth.

If you are looking for a curriculum to use for making disciples, you might want to look at Disciples Making Essentials. It has been tested, tried and proven.  It is a great tool to help people grow.


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