When Jesus commanded us to make disciples of “all nations,” that means disciples need to be made who speak every language. Hebrew, Aramaic, Spanish, Mandarin… the list goes on. It literally takes all types of languages to make disciples in all types of cultures.
I will be forever thankful that the Scriptures and the principles of disciple making have made it into a language I use and understand. I can’t imagine missing out on Christ’s mission simply because language was the barrier. We all need to be grateful for people who are willing to learn and translate the Word of God and the principles Jesus gave us for making disciples.
Since Impact Discipleship Ministries is committed to making disciples of all nations, we are working hard to help get our disciple making strategy and resources translated into as many languages as possible. One of those languages is Spanish. Spanish is the second most used language in the world in terms of native speakers. 534 million people speak Spanish and that comprises nearly 8% of the world’s population. Unquestionably we need disciple making resources and training in the Spanish language more than ever.
Impact Discipleship Ministries is working to introduce our disciple making strategies and resources to the Spanish-speaking community. One of the ways we are initiating this process is through introducing the Disciple Making Church concepts to Spanish-speaking Pastors and local church leaders. On June 4th, 2022, Impact Discipleship Ministries is providing a free breakfast for Spanish-speaking pastors, leaders, church volunteers, etc. to come and learn more about our ministry and how to incorporate the Disciple Making Church strategy in their churches.
We are hoping this breakfast will help us partner with more Spanish-speaking churches and learn how to we can better support their ministries in making disciples. If you know of any Spanish-speaking pastors or churches that would be interested in this opportunity, please pass the word around. The breakfast is free – all they need to do is RSVP on our website here.
You can have a part in making disciples of all nations by helping us connect with more Spanish-speaking churches. We never know how many people can be reached if don’t reach the people we know. Please pass along this invite and leave the results to the Lord. For more information, contact us at info@impactdisciples.com.