If you had asked me a few years ago if I would have ever imagined I would be leading a day of training in disciple making in Kosovo, I would have said, “Where in the world is Kosovo?” Now I know exactly where Kosovo is because I’ve been there.
This week I had the opportunity to lead an Impact Church Seminar in the predominantly Muslim nation of Kosovo, located just east of Albania and Montenegro. This country has only a handful of evangelical churches, and is a prime place for a movement of disciple making to break loose.
I was blessed with the invitation to come and train a handful of leaders in disciple making. Several of these leaders are trying to plant a new church in a major city in Kosovo. They face a major challenge as they seek to start a disciple making church in a Muslim culture. They also face a major challenge trying to start a disciple making church when there are very few models or training in how to do so.
Spending time with these leaders in Kosovo reminded me of a few important truths.
First, the enemy hates movements of multiplying disciples! The enemy really doesn’t mind a movement of addition, but he hates multiplication. The enemy doesn’t like the addition of disciples, but he really hates the multiplication of them. In a country with only a handful of churches, you can bet the enemy will fight hard against a movement of multiplying disciples getting started. I saw that resistance firsthand.
Second, movements of multiplying disciples need help getting started! In a country where Christianity is only a small percentage of the population, you can bet these churches and Christians need help from the outside. I flew to Kosovo to help these leaders start a movement of disciple making. They need believers from predominantly Christian nations to come help them figure out how to plant disciple making churches. It was worth the time and effort it took to get to Kosovo.
Finally, only God knows the outcome of our efforts! When you have limited time for training, you can only plant a handful of seeds. Someone else will need to do the watering, and God will be the one to bring the harvest. I can only hope that the seeds of disciple making that are planted in Kosovo will bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.
I am hoping to return to Kosovo down the road, and I hope to see a disciple making church making a difference for the cause of Christ. If you’d like to help Impact Ministries train more leaders in countries like Kosovo, please consider being an Impact partner and helping support the work of disciple making around the world. Please check out impactdisciples.com for more information about how you can engage with Impact Ministries.