Last week I was fortunate enough to be part of the National Forum in Nashville, Tennessee organized by Watching nearly two-thousand people gather to learn about disciple making is incredibly encouraging. I know the Lord is saying “well done” to Bobby Harrington and the rest of the team that made this forum a reality.
For a leader that has been swinging at disciple making for over three decades, being at an event like the Forum was life giving. I say that because for many of the years I’ve been disciple making, it felt like I was on a deserted island in my efforts. Finding like-minded pastors and leaders is difficult, and they are few and far between. To be in a room with so many disciple makers is very inspiring.
As I reflect on my days in Nashville, I have a few observations and conclusions I am taking away.
First, a disciple making tribe is alive and well! Disciple making leaders no longer need to labor alone. If you crave fellowship and encouragement in the disciple making process, I know where you can find it. I found it in Nashville, and you can find it as well at The National Discipleship Forum was a great way of gathering together disciple makers from all over the nation. It is nice to have a place where encouragement in the disciple making process can be found.
Second, I am thankful for disciple making leaders who have led the way! You’ve heard the saying, “Those who drink the water should remember who dug the well.” So true! At the Discipleship Forum, many disciple making pioneers were honored and appreciated for paving the way for disciple makers today. People like Robert Coleman, Bill Hull, and others were championing disciple making when no one else was talking about it. I am so grateful for the folks who have remained faithful to the process of disciple making, and to those who have developed resources to help teach the rest of us.
Finally, Jesus-style disciple making still works! There is a growing dissatisfaction today with the latest and greatest methods of ministry. More and more, leaders are realizing that doing what Jesus did is still the preferred method of ministry. Many pastors and leaders are tired of what is trending, and are looking for what is tested and true. Jesus-style disciple making will always be relevant.
My experience at the Discipleship Forum in Nashville was one to remember. There is a true hunger for disciple making today. More and more people are beginning to realize that it truly is the master plan for evangelism.
At Impact Ministries, we seek to inspire people and churches to be and build disciples of Christ. If we can help you in that process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at