Disciple Making Summit 2022

by Jan 11, 2022

Years ago I attended a leadership conference called the “Leadership Summit.” It was a great conference and I attended it for several years in a row. Every time I attended this conference I would walk away thinking, “There ought to be a “Disciple Making Summit.” 

I kept thinking there needed to be a Disciple Making Summit because I believe that the best leadership comes out of discipleship. In other words, if we do a good job of developing fully trained disciples, we will always have plenty of potential leaders in our churches. 

This principle actually comes right out of the life of Jesus. Jesus raised up a leadership team for His Church out of discipleship. After Jesus had spent three years training the twelve, He knew exactly what He was getting when He designated this team as “apostles.” These men had been “with” Jesus and they had proven their potential as future leaders of His mission and movement. 

Churches today need to follow this same model for leadership development! Discipleship needs to be where potential leaders are developed. If potential leaders do not become fully trained disciples, they should not be appointed as leaders. Once a disciple is developed into a leader, then you can provide leadership training to help them continue growing. 

If you roll the tape forward from my days attending the “Leadership Summit,” my vision of a “Disciple Making Summit” is a reality. We had an extremely successful launch for this event in January 2021, and now, it’s time for the Disciple Making Summit 2022.

We believe this conference is incredibly powerful for disciple makers, leaders, and pastors. The Church desperately needs a training and networking venue that is committed to championing the Great Commandment and Great Commission of Jesus Christ. The Disciple Making Summit will be one of those venues that focuses on the very thing Jesus came to do and told us to do. Jesus said, “go and make disciples”, so we figure there ought to be conferences prioritizing just that for the Church. 

On January 28th and 29th 2022, the Disciple Making Summit will give disciple makers, leaders, and pastors a chance to come together and learn more about and celebrate the concept of living a life of multiplication as disciples. This weekend will inspire you to start a movement of multiplication in your church and connect with other disciple makers on how to do it. Register now while spots are available!

You can register for the Disciple Making Summit here. Sign up today and save your spot for what we hope will be a phenomenal weekend!

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