Fulfilling the Mission

by Mar 30, 2023

The population of North America continues to grow. Yet at the same time, more and more churches are closing their doors. According to Lifeway research, in 2019, 4,500 churches closed their doors, and about 3,000 new churches started. You can do the math. Those statistics are disheartening at best. I’m sure there are many and varied reasons for these churches closing. However, it occurs to me that the ultimate reason the “Lampstand” of any church is removed is that they are not fulfilling the mission Jesus has passed on to His Church. That Mission: We are to make disciples. The Great Commission in Mt. 28:19-20 is clear that our mission, as the Body of Christ called the Church, is to make disciples. As we go, we are to make disciples. Then, the rest of that Great Commission explains the process: “Baptize them,” demonstrating how new believers identify with the Body of Christ and receive the mission of Jesus to themselves. Then, we are to “Teach them .”We, the Church, are to teach new believers about Jesus: His mission, His character, conduct, and His strategy, and that His disciples are to “Observe” or “Obey” (depending on the translation) everything He has commanded us. As we do this, we are fulfilling His mission to make disciples who will make other disciples. And His incredible promise is that He will be with us as we go!

It is indeed a sad thing when a church must close her doors. I truly believe that God’s plan is for His Church to thrive. The question we must answer then is, “How can the Church thrive?” But the good news is that this question has already been answered. Jesus’ plan for the Church is still the same as when He started the Church over 2,000 years ago. He would have His Church consist of fully trained disciples who will build other fully trained disciples. Luke 6:40 makes it clear that we CAN be fully trained. “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Jesus is our teacher, and we are to be like Him. Being like Jesus is our target. The plan of our Lord is spelled out in the New Testament, and then He modeled it for us. He gathered to Himself a small group of men to be His disciples. He then spent three years doing life with them, training them, and investing in them. During this time, He modeled His disciple-making process. He loved them and allowed them to learn by experiencing His example. Then He empowered them, sending them out to accomplish the mission. What mission? The same mission He lived: to make disciples who make disciples, who make disciples. Jesus began this disciple-making movement and charged His followers to do the same, to take up the mission He had begun after He ascended to the Father. The mandate is clear; we are to make disciples, and the methodology has been demonstrated to us by Jesus.

The problem arises when we try to improve on what Jesus has done! Oh, we are anything but malicious about it. I’m convinced that most pastors genuinely want to make disciples. Like so many, though, they have never been discipled themselves. Here’s the good news, there is no magic formula. We are to do what Jesus did! The plan and process have been given to us and modeled for us by the Lord Himself. His strategy is clear; we are to lead toward the mission. Jesus always did that! It is no accident that Jesus commanded us to follow Him. It’s as though He is saying to pastors and leaders, “See what I have done! Now you go do that!” The Great Commandment (Mt. 22:37-39) teaches about “Being” His disciples. We are to love Him with every part of our being, love self, and love others. Then the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20) teaches us how to make or build other disciples. Jesus’ plan, therefore, is that we are to be His disciples and build other disciples.

At Impact Discipleship Ministries, we want to do all we can to help you accomplish the mission of Jesus. We have resources that will help you to become and ultimately “be” a disciple-making people, a disciple-making church, and a disciple-making pastor. Please feel free to call us via email, phone, or text. We are happy to do all we can to help you and your church to “be and build” disciples.

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