Keep It Simple

by May 27, 2021

Disciple making isn’t easy, but it can be simple. At least it can be simple if you make disciples the way Jesus did. You can actually summarize Jesus’ approach to making disciples in three steps. He brought them in. He built them up. He sent them out. With three simple steps implemented over three years, Jesus changed the world. 

“Bring Them In”

Making disciples is always about reaching people. Jesus started a movement by reaching people who were far from God. Jesus went after lost people but He always saw their potential to be world-changers. He invited them to follow Him so He could make them fishers of men. He told them right away what the goal would be. 

Jesus reached His disciples through personal relationships. He connected with them and invited them to “come and see” what He was about. He connected with them relationally before He ever performed a miracle or was resurrected from the dead. 

You cannot have a movement of making disciples without connecting with lost people and bringing them in. Therefore a disciple making church ought to be a place that is continually bringing lost people in. 

“Build Them Up”

Making disciples is always about teaching people to be more like Jesus. The goal is to help a person move from an untrained seeker to a fully trained disciple. That happens when you train a person in the development of the character and conduct of Christ. When a disciple is walking as Jesus walked, that person is becoming who they need to be in order to reach more people. 

The building up stage for Jesus was intentional and strategic. Jesus modeled for them what He wanted them to be and what He wanted them to do.

If you are serious about making disciples, you have to make an investment in training and teaching disciples how to live and lead like Jesus did. Take those you have reached and teach them how to live like Jesus.

“Send Them Out”

Jesus didn’t make disciples just to stay in a “Holy huddle.” From the very start, Jesus made disciples in order to send them out to make more disciples. Mobilizing disciples to reach people and make more disciples was Christ’s plan all along. 

If a church wants to become a movement of multiplying disciples, it will have to continually mobilize more and more disciple makers. Being a disciple making church is about bringing them in and sending them out. 

Impact Discipleship Ministries was created to help Christians and churches be and build disciples. We try our best to help you “keep it simple.” We have training, resources, consulting and coaching to assist you. Please contact us at 

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