Discipleship’s Most Fatal Flaw

Discipleship’s Most Fatal Flaw

   There are countless approaches and plans for discipleship these days. Churches have various processes for making disciples and publishers have produced mounds of curriculum for disciple making. There is simply no shortage of methods for disciple making in today’s...
Disciple Making Simplified

Disciple Making Simplified

I was listening to a ministry podcast while running the other day when my ear buds almost popped out. I was listening to a podcast on how to make discipleship easy and couldn’t get over how complicated they were making it. If I attended their growth track for...
Fully Engaged

Fully Engaged

I have noticed something interesting as I have moved into the mid-life phase of life. I have noticed that quite a few of the friends that were very involved in church in their thirties are not as committed in their fifties. Many of the couples that were heavily...