I’ve known many pastors that were doers rather than leaders. There is nothing wrong with being a doer, but if the goal is a disciple making church, you must be a pastor that is able to lead leaders.
When you look at Jesus, you see a man that lived the life He wanted others to live. Jesus was a man that led others to live that same life and He developed leaders that could lead others to live the life He lived. Jesus was more than a “doer”- He was a leader of leaders.
In order to be a disciple making pastor, it is important to learn how to develop and deploy leaders that lead others. This is the only way you can create a movement of multiplication. Doers create addition, and leaders create multiplication. Let’s look at some ways to become a leader of leaders.
#5- Lead leaders! When Jesus left this earth, He left behind a movement with leaders of leaders. This did not happen by accident. It was no coincidence that Jesus would hand over His movement of multiplying disciples to a handful of leaders. It happened intentionally. Jesus developed leaders for His movement strategically. Let’s look at some of the key factors at how Jesus was a leader of leaders.
One of the first things Jesus did as a leader of leaders was to select well. Jesus spent an entire night in prayer before He called the twelve to become the leaders of His movement. Jesus entrusted the movement of Christianity into the hands of faithful and reliable men that would accomplish His mission. In the same way Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2, “…and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
A second thing Jesus did was to develop well. It is important to understand that Jesus made disciples, and then he appointed leaders. We make a mistake when we appoint people to be leaders before they have become disciples. You will always end up with the wrong result when you have leaders trying to lead people to a place they have not been themselves. If your goal is to lead leaders, you must select the right people and take the time to develop them.
The last thing Jesus did to be a leader of leaders was to mobilize well. Jesus had selected the right people. Jesus had discipled and trained those people. Then, he launched them. Acts details the mobilizing of Christ’s movement by the apostles. The expansion of the Church under the leadership of the apostles is the evidence of Jesus being a leader of leaders. The very fact that Christianity grew and spread after Christ returned to Heaven is proof that Jesus was a leader of leaders.
Impact Ministries is committed to helping pastors become leaders of leaders. If you are interested in joining a 315 Leadership Group, contact us at impactdisciples.com.