Ten Disciple Making Lessons from a 10K: Lesson #2 “6.2 Miles Don’t Happen Overnight”

by Jul 13, 2017

Any distance runner will be quick to tell you that it takes time to build up endurance. Nobody jumps up off the couch and decides to run a 15K, 10K, or even a 5K. Most people start by walking, then they do a walk/run combination and then, finally, a complete run from start to finish. They build up slowly and systematically from nothing to a certain distance and time.

When people try to do more than they are able, it usually leads to problems. Sometimes, overdoing will cause sickness. Sometimes, overdoing it will cause burn out. The best and most healthy way to develop endurance for running is slowly and consistently over a period of time. You just cannot shortcut the path to endurance growth!

Being a disciple of Christ is in so many ways like becoming a long distance runner. You need to start your growth journey with just the right amount of information and application. Some people start off with great enthusiasm and fade quickly. Others have someone that paces them and steadily increases the amount of information and application that comes with spiritual growth. If you gradually increase the amount of information and application over time, the next thing you know, you will be at a marathon status.

When Jesus called his disciples to “come and see”, he did not give them more than they could handle. He simply lived out in front of them what he wanted them to be and know. Slowly, over a period of several years, transformation occurred. They went from novice spiritual seekers to mature spiritual leaders over time, not overnight!

As Jesus prepared to leave this earth, he told his disciples that he was “sending them just as the Father had sent Him”. In other words, “time to run your own race”. There are very few people in our “hurry up” that are taking the time learn to be and build disciples these days. You can be one of them that takes the time. Commit yourself to running the race and going the distance. There are not shortcuts but Impact Ministries can help you along the way. Check out more at impactdisciples.com.


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