Ten Disciple Making Lessons from a 10K: Lesson #4 “Wheelchairs”

by Jul 27, 2017

You might not think an article about “Lessons from a 10K” would include a lesson about wheelchairs. In fact, you would be surprised how many wheelchairs you will actually see at the world’s largest 10K. You see, the Peachtree Road Race actually begins with a wheelchair race. Before the first elite runners leave the starting line, dozens of folks in wheelchairs have headed down the 6.25 course. You would be amazed at how fast these folks go and how they have turned tragedy in triumph.

The wheelchair racers, however, are not the purpose of this article. There are other folks in wheelchairs that, in my opinion, have a profound impact on every runner in that race. There is a stretch on the Peachtree Road Race, right in front of a hospital called the Shepherd’s Spinal Clinic, where dozens of spinal and brain injury patients are wheeled out to watch the race and cheer for runners.

You cannot run by this group of severely injured and paralyzed individuals and not be moved. As you run or walk by these patients in wheelchairs on the sidewalk of the clinic, a thousand thoughts run through your mind. First, you are thankful. The pain of the race seems to dwarf in comparison to what these folks are going through. Second, you are motivated. Knowing some of these patients will never be able to move normally again motivates you to run in a way that no t-shirt can ever motivate you. Finally, you pray. Every time I run past the people in front of Shepherd’s, I pray for their healing. I pray that the Good Shepherd will touch their lives and be their Healer.

I’ve learned that being a disciple is sometimes about having the right perspective. Like everyone, I can have a “woe is me” attitude. I can begin to think my problems are worse than anyone else and that life is not fair. When these moments come, I simply need to think about wheelchairs. What do I have to complain about when I have been blessed with hands, feet, legs, and a spine that are allowing me to run 6.25 miles?

Impact Ministries is really committed to help you have the right perspective on being and building disciples. Discover more at impactdisciples.com.





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