The Making of a Disciple Making Pastor – Part 6

by Apr 12, 2018

Leading with clarity means keeping things clear. It means helping everyone in the organization know what to do, how to do it, and why they are doing it. Clarity comes with greater focus. When it comes to your vision, the better your focus, the greater the clarity in your sight.

A leader that brings focus to the organization will bring clarity to everyone in the organization. When a pastor is leading toward the mission, setting the pace, and leading with clarity, his church has a much greater chance of making disciples.

As I read the gospels, I see Jesus as a man with focus. He knew what to do, how to do it, and why He was doing it. In order to be a disciple making pastor, let Jesus be your example.

#6- Lead with clarity! Jesus was not fuzzy when it came to His mission. He kept His focus on reaching the lost and making disciples. Jesus was clear! Jesus may not have had metrics or ministry reports to turn in, but don’t believe for a minute that Jesus was simply winging it or just making things up as He went. Jesus had a mission, and He was extremely clear on what He was doing.

When it comes to leading a church to reach the lost and make disciples, there are five things that give us focus and create clarity.

F: First-time guests! Churches that reach people and make disciples are churches that stay focused on inviting and reaching out to unchurched people. Jesus came to “seek and save” the lost. He was clear on that, and we should be too.

O: Hit the objectives from the weekend! Every time Jesus drew a crowd, He did so for a purpose. The same is true today. Every weekend that the church draws a crowd, the objectives should be clear. Three objectives should be accomplished in every weekend service: first-time guests should feel welcome, the service should help people encounter God through the Word and worship, and people should have a chance to connect to Christ and His Church.

C: Connect people to small groups and ministry teams! Jesus changed the world by connecting a handful of men in a small group that did ministry as a team. When the Church started in Acts, they focused on the same types of connection. The Church helped people connect to a home group which did ministry together. Stay clear on the need for connections.

U: Lead untrained people to become fully trained disciples! Jesus spent three years leading untrained men to become fully trained disciples. He never lost His focus on this. Making disciples was part of why Jesus came to earth, and He stayed clear on this priority.

S: Build strong and healthy leaders! Don’t think for a minute that Jesus was not focused and clear on the need to have strong and healthy leaders by the time He went to the cross. He left His mission and movement in the hands of leaders that He could trust. He knew they would keep what He started going.

Your job as a leader is to keep things clear. You keep things clear by keeping them in focus. Focus comes from never losing sight of what, how, and why you are here. Bottom line: a disciple making leader leads with clarity.

Contact Impact Ministries at to learn more about coaching opportunities for disciple making pastors.

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